ICube Deep Learning Workshop

ICube Deep Learning Workshop 2018

Date & Time: Tuesday, December 11, 2018, 9am-5pm

Venue: Forum (Amphitheater 301-302), 4 rue Kirschleger, Faculté de Médecine, Strasbourg

Registration: closed

The aim of this workshop is to create an informal and constructive forum for PhD students and other researchers working with Deep Learning methods to meet and exchange about their research.


09:00 Welcome/Introduction
09:15 T. Lampert: "Deep learning for histopathological slide segmentation" (long) [slides]
09:45F. Allender: "Deep learning for texture synthesis" (long) [slides]
10:15C. Nwoye: "A weakly-supervised method for tool tracking" (short) [slides]
11:00A. Abreu: "Deep neural networks for classification and segmentation of histopathology images" (long)
11:30A. Mendizabal: "Deep learning for soft tissue simulation" (short) [slides]
11:45V. Srivastav: "Face detection in the operating room" (short) [slides]
13:00Presentation by HPC
13:30N. Padoy: "Future-state predicting LSTM for early surgery type recognition" (long) [slides]
14:00B. Sauvage: "Learning color tables and Fourier spectra in random textures" (short) [slides]
14:15H. Seo: "RNN on animation data - A failure case" (short)
B. Naegel: "Cerebrovascular network segmentation from 3D MRA" [slides]  
A. Vardazaryan: "A real-time prototype for bringing deep recognition methods to the OR" [slides
R. Bhattacharjee: "Fusion and co-registration of multi modal medical images" [slides]
V. Vigon: "Interpolation with deep learning" [slides]
15:15G. Forestier: "Deep learning for time series classification" (long) [slides]
15:45T. Yu: "Semi-supervised learning of surgical phases from laparoscopic videos" (long) [slides]
16:15F. Ouhmich: "New radiomics approaches for hepatic tumor characterization" (short) [slides]
17:00The End

Information for speakers:

Long presentations are planned as 20mn talks with 10mn questions
Short presentations are planned as 10mn talks with 5mn questions
Spotlight presentations are planned as 3mn talks (max 3-4 slides) without questions


The Forum is located at 4 rue Kirschleger, Strasbourg. The amphitheater is located upstairs in room 301-302.

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