
SAF-IS: Spatial Annotation Free Framework for Instance Segmentation of Surgical Tools (2023)


UDA for Clinician Pose Estimation and Instance Segmentation in the OR (2021)


Attention Mechanisms for Recognition of Surgical Action Triplets in Endoscopic Videos (2021)


Artificial Intelligence for Surgical Safety in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (Ann Surg 2020)


Weakly Supervised Convolutional LSTM Approach for Tool Tracking in Laparoscopic Videos (IPCAI 2019)


A Generalizable Approach for Multi-view 3D Human Pose Regression (2018)


HoloLens for Teaching Radiation Safety in the Hybrid Room


Demonstration of SurgFlow-Live: Automated Analysis and Monitoring of Endoscopic Procedures


Demonstration of XAware-Live: Global Radiation Awareness System for Hybrid Surgery


See It With Your Own Eyes: Marker-less Mobile Augmented Reality for Radiation Awareness in the Hybrid Room (IEEE TBME 2016)


EndoNet: A Deep Architecture for Recognition Tasks on Laparoscopic Videos (TMI 2016)


Articulated Clinician Detection Using 3D Pictorial Structures on RGB-D Data (MedIA 2016)


Marker-less AR in the Hybrid Room using Equipment Detection for Camera Relocalization (MICCAI 2015)


Fisher Kernel Based Task Boundary Retrieval in Laparoscopic Database with Single Video Query (MICCAI 2014)


3D Global Estimation and Augmented Reality Visualization of Intra-operative X-ray Dose (MICCAI 2014)


Towards Better Laparoscopic Video Database Organization by Automatic Surgery Classification (IPCAI 2014)


Temporally Consistent 3D Pose Estimation in the Interventional Room Using Discrete MRF Optimization over RGBD Sequences (IPCAI 2014)


Videos from ‘Human-Machine Collaborative Surgery’ project at JHU



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